Well, the weekend didn't go as planned. I am very sad to say that the sick kitten didn't make it. He passed away on Saturday morning and my heart was heavy. Although I know I did everything I could I still have lots of what-ifs. On a happier note, the other kittens are doing quite well. Here are the pics.
Jewel |
Rio |
Eva |
The boys have enjoyed playing with them and getting to know them. They are all lovey dovey and are very mild mannered. We already have appointments with potential new families so I suspect they won't be here for very long.
I didn't get very much stitching time in over the weekend but have been trying to make up some time this week. I have been working on a WIP and started an Erica Michaels design on silk gauze. I have never tried silk gauze before and I have been doing alot of over one so I finally went stash diving and pulled out the design titled SPRING. I thought is was perfect timing since the weather here is springlike. The birds are singing, the crocuses and daffodils are in bloom. AAhhhhhh! The sun feels so warm. Well, best get back to it. I will post a progress picture when it actually looks like I have stitched something. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Stitching!
I'm so sorry to hear that one of the kittens did not make it. Of course you did everything and anything to give it a chance, but it just wasn't meant to be. He was lucky to have spent his days in your loving embrace.
These darlings are beautiful and obviously have already mastered the art of posing for the camera.
Blessings on you for fostering these dear ones, there are never enough foster homes.
awwww just catching up for some reason missed your last post and sooo sorry you lost the wee fur baby :(
the others look lovely and fingers and paws crossed they don't become ill either ....
gorgeous stitching as always in the last post :) love mouse xxxxx
The kittens are beautiful! Sorry to hear that you lost one...but you did everything you could to save him. At least he had a loving home and a safe place to lay his head while he was still on this Earth.
Brightest Blessings!
Beth B.
The weather here in Pa is beautiful as well. I am sorry to hear that one of the kittens didn't make it. It would break my heart. We had a bunny for 9 years and last April he died in my arms. I still can't bring myself to get another. He was such a loving little friend. Can't wait to see your Erica Michaels...
So sorry the kitten died. I know it's hard to loose one but you did everything you could for it. The other kittens are so very cute! Makes we want a kitten again but I don't think my other cats would like that!
Sorry about the little one, these three are cute. Happy Stitching CJ in OK ;-)
So sorry to hear the little boy kitten didn't make it but you did all you could for him. The girls look wonderful & I'm glad it looks like they will be going to loving homes.
I am so sorry to hear you lost a kitten. The other look so great. They are all posing for their pics :)
Sounds like you are stitching a lot too. Have a great weekend.
It's such a shame the little kitty didn't make it but sometimes it's just not meant to be. I know that you did everything that you could.
The rest of the litter look to be thriving. They're adorable!
I'm looking forward to seeing the stitching on the silk gauze.
So sorry for the loss of your foster kitten. The others are just lovely. Wish I could have Jewel! :) Thanks for posting. Love reading your blog. Cathryn
I am so sorry to hear about the kitten. You are doing a wonderful job just being there for the other three and getting them a home. You are an inspiration. I can't wait to see your stitching progress.
Hi Natalaie,
Thank you your visiting my site :)
Have a nice day!
Hugs from Hungary
It must have been so hard to watch the little guy fail, Nataly... But, you are giving the other kittens an excellent start in life--they are all adorable :)
Nataly, It must have been a very sad thing to lose that sweet little kitten, but you gave him such loving care. The little girl kitties are all so sweet and will be welcome additions to some deserving families.
Looking back over some of your more recent posts, and seeing so many beautiful pieces that you have stitched. Your stitching, as always, is beautifully done.
Blessings to you and your family!
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