I was nominated for this award by Gracie at Needles, Pin and Dragonflies. Thanks Gracie! I am honored to have you follow what's happening in my corner of the stitchy world. Now I must pass on to you some blogs that I enjoy following and tell you 7 things you may not know about me.
There are over 400 blogs in my reader. So to narrow it down is difficult so I will list a couple for you that you may enjoy visiting Confessions of a Serial Starter, At Willow Tree Pond, Garden Grumbles and Cross Stitch Fumbles,Gr8dames Place,One Stitch at a Time,Seaside Stitcher,With Needle and Thread
And now, 7 things about me.
1. I love pizza
2. I learned to stitch embroidery on dish clothes and pillow cases from my grandmother
3. I am a pharmacist
4. I have been stitching since age 7
5. I am terrified of "empty nest" even though my kids are young
6. I enjoy walking on the beach scouring for sea glass and shells
7. Love to take my stitching outside
Thank you for reading and leaving such lovely comments. Happy Stitching!
You are most welcome....when I lived on the East Coast, walking the beaches was one of my favorite things to do! Now I walk the desert paths!!!
Don't be too afraid of the "empty nest". I love my two children with all my heart but this new time with my husband is so much fun. It gives us lots of time for ourselves like our wonderful trip across country last fall to see your beautiful side of the US. There is nothing nicer than being invited to your child's home and they cook for you. Hope you win the award!!!!!
They are a great 7 things to learn about you. I too, am afraid of the empty nest! : (
Congratulations and well deserved. I enjoyed learning more about you. Thanks for the shout out for my place too. :o)
Congratulations on your award! I enjoyed your list too.
It was fun to read your seven facts, Nataly! I agree with Teresa--the empty nest isn't terrible at all. Oh, I miss my three sons very much, but the sense of peacefulness in the house now is wonderful :)
Congrats on the award! I enjoyed reading more about you. I'm a fellow pizza fanatic. ;)
Congrats on the award!
Haven't seen you for a bit--hope your holidays were great!
Come by soon and I have added you to my blog list.
Happy New Year!
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